A Thank You, From Our Team to Yours

It is nearly the end of another year, so I wanted to take this time to say a thank you from our team to yours.

Each year, I always enjoy hearing and seeing clients’ new initiatives and this year is no exception. Despite the economic challenges, we have seen many retail brands, agencies and POS installers driving supermarket activities with eye-catching displays and pushing retail expansion with in-store sell-ins.

With several new faces and countries using TeamHaven, I am pleased to say that this year has also been busy for us with a large expansion into North and South America, and the hopes of increasing business in Australia.

Finally, I would also like to recognise and thank those who have recommended us or brought TeamHaven with them into new positions.

We see this as the biggest compliment and continued evidence that our focus should always be on creating the best product and experience for our clients. This became the founding message of a video we created this year explaining what it is TeamHaven does – you may be able to recognise a few faces in it!

It’s been a pleasure working with everyone this year and we wish you a Happy Holiday!
Kind regards,
Steve Grimes
CEO, TeamHaven